Medica 2019 – Düsseldorf

Ambiente Lavoro 2019 – Bologna
17 October 2019
The Orazio Capurro Association donates a defibrillator to the Fire Brigade of the Municipality of Sciacca
22 October 2019
Ambiente Lavoro 2019 – Bologna
17 October 2019
The Orazio Capurro Association donates a defibrillator to the Fire Brigade of the Municipality of Sciacca
22 October 2019

From November 18th to 21th AMI Italy awaits you in Düsseldorf for Medica 2019, one of the main international trade fairs for the medical sector.

Every year at Medica we take stock of the technological innovations that affect such an essential sector. This year around 5000 exhibitors will focus on digital medicine and on the positive impacts for doctors and patients that digitization entails.

AMI ITALIA awaits you at hall 9 at the C76 booth, to present you our newest generation of defibrillator!